About ABDO Advocacia

With more than 30 years of experience, Abdo Advogados is a specialist in several areas of law. We join tradition, expertise, and modernity to deliver you the highest quality of service, always seeking the best solution to your problems. 

Our focus is to put the client and his needs first, acting in his best interest in a fast, practical, and qualified way, and with the excellence that you will only find here.

Abdo has developed an innovative system of personalized service, which ensures greater attention to each case, with emphasis on the solutions you need.

Acting in an agile, innovative, and qualified way, putting the customer and its needs in first place for a better solution of the cases. Through a solid and consolidated trajectory, always seeking innovation, Abdo Advogados’ mission is to practice law with ethics, quality, and commitment, contributing to positive changes in society as a whole.

We have a team of specialists in each area of law (corporate, tax, labor, social security, international and civil) that are able to guide the client assertively, providing high standard legal services, recognized not only in Brazil but also internationally.

Through a solid and consolidated trajectory, but always seeking innovation, Abdo Advogados’ mission is to practice law with ethics and commitment, contributing to positive changes in society.

Our Company


Acting both in the preventive field of obligatory relations, structuring businesses and contracts, and in the actual solution of conflicts, always aiming to preserve our clients' interests - whether in the judicial or administrative sphere.


Personalized service, empathy, and appreciation of the client's interests, seeking their satisfaction through fast, efficient, and effective solutions.


To provide legal services through a personalized and innovative service, through specialized and committed professionals, contributing to changes in the Law and fighting for Justice not only for the benefit of our clients, but also of society.


To be a model law firm at a global level, being recognized as solid, reliable, innovative and profitable, always acting with excellence and contributing to global development.

Our History

Founded in Novo Hamburgo, in Rio Grande do Sul, in May 1990, Abdo arose from the will of couple Jamil and Nádia Abdo to put client satisfaction in first place, creating a new exclusive and personalized service method for each case. 

Since then, there have been many battles and success stories. During this period, the firm expanded and today it also has a head office in Porto Alegre/RS, while maintaining the service in Novo Hamburgo/RS, and operates throughout the Brazilian territory.

Today there are 10 highly specialized partners who personally follow up on each case that comes to our office, besides having a large legal staff. The professionals are prepared to deal with all situations, completing a successful trajectory in constant expansion, without ever leaving aside the main objective: to treat your case as unique.

Having been in the market for three decades, Abdo Advogados is constantly updating and growing, seeking new areas and theses of law, maintaining the tradition and competence of our legal services on behalf of the client.

Talk to ABDO

Inheritance Law

This is one of the most sensitive areas in the Brazilian legal system, as it deals directly with psychological issues. Therefore, the lawyer should have a more human and empathetic look, contemplating a sincere concern for the client’s well-being. 
At ABDO, our priority is to handle your case in a personalized way and with all the care it deserves. Our partners have the necessary qualifications to deal with the processes that regulate the transfer of assets after the death of a loved one and also with the client who is going through that moment.

Direito Previdenciário

Com transparência e celeridade, o objetivo da nossa equipe é resguardar os direitos previdenciários do nosso cliente de forma cuidadosa, a fim de garantir a melhor experiência no andamento do processo, seja pela idade avançada, doenças que incapacitam o exercício do pleno trabalho, a pensão por morte ou revisar um benefício já concedido.

Contamos com uma equipe especializada para atender aos planos instituídos pelo INSS (Instituto Nacional de Seguro Social), priorizando sempre o total amparo aos clientes quando necessitados dos benefícios previdenciários.

– Processos administrativos INSS;
– Aposentadoria por tempo de contribuição;
– Aposentadoria por idade;
– Aposentadoria por invalidez;
– Adicional de 25%;
– Auxílio doença;
– Amparo assistencial ao idoso e ao deficiente;
– Pensão por morte;
– Auxílio reclusão;
– Revisão de benefícios;
– Aposentadoria especial (aeronautas, oficiais de justiça, vigilantes e demais categorias);
– Aposentadoria rural;
Simulação e programação de benefícios.

Civil Law

Defending the civil rights of our customers is to ensure that society operates within its norms and rules, ensuring compliance with the rights and obligations established in relationships between individuals and legal entities. ABDO’s team assists clients in the relationships between individuals and institutions, from the family nucleus to the State. We prioritize the prevention of problems and litigation, working to resolve conflicts and ensure compliance with contractual obligations, but also facilitating and simplifying legal processes, striving for efficiency and seriousness. We handle cases relating to personal relationships with all due respect and transparency, without ever leaving aside the complexity they require. 

– Civil responsibility;
– Advice to individuals and companies;
– Legal business in general;
– Actions and defenses involving Commercial Representatives;
– Defenses in administrative proceedings;
– Executions;
– Right of duties;
– Payment – donation, consignment, novation and compensation of debts;
– Defaulted debts;
– Preparation of credit contracts;
– Stipulation in favor of a third party;
– Contracts in general;
– Adverse possession;
– Indemnity;
– Insurance: legal guidelines for insurance contracts;
– Income constitution;
– Tenancy Law;
– Unauthorized charges;
– Business management: personal and business legal advice;
– Appropriation and Ownership;
– Consumer Law;
– Restoration of the provision of essential services in case of cut/suspension (water, electricity);
– Actions involving the need to use medication;
– Actions involving refusals to grant medical and surgical procedures by health plans, including cases of stomach reduction surgery;
– Actions and Defenses in executions involving tobacco producer contracts.

Criminal Law

We serve individuals, whether plaintiff or defendant, without distinction, and who are voluntarily or involuntarily involved in investigations or being accused in criminal proceedings. We act transparently, with efficiency and seriousness at any stage of the criminal process, always analyzing case by case and seeking the best legal solution for our client.
Our objective, in addition to defending and finding solutions, is to accompany our client in any public agency that requires legal representation. We understand that this area is exhausting and inhumane, promoting suffering brought about by the criminal process, and that is why our service is based on the principle of criminal law, the dignity of the human person.
In this area, we have qualified and experienced professionals, who are available to act at any stage of the process that may be necessary, including the Jury Court. 

– Habeas corpus;
– Jury court;
– Prison relaxation;
– Monitoring of inquiries;
– Request for provisional release;
– Defense in criminal proceedings;
– Personal monitoring of the customer;
– Effective defenses in jury and hearings;
– Protective measures.

Sports Law

Popularly called Sports Law, this specialty is not alone: it is directly related to others, such as Labor Law, Tax Law, Social Security Law, Civil Law, Contractual Law. ABDO’s team of lawyers is multidisciplinary and we have professionals specialized in all of them. We are highly qualified to take care of legal issues for athletes, clubs, entities, sponsors, investors, partners, sports administration federations and confederations and other people or entities involved in the field of sports practice. 

– Contract release;
– Labor area;
– Preparation of contracts and pre-contracts;
– Termination of contract;
– Preparation of powers of attorney and authorizations;
– Placing on the international market.

Corporate Law

Corporate Law involves the area of ​​business partnerships and issues relating to partners and shareholders of companies. As a preventive measure against future problems in your company, such as demergers, mergers or dissolutions, look to ABDO to guarantee security, especially in business succession planning and dissolutions of companies with determination of assets and indemnities. – Constitution;- Dissolution, Split and Merger;- Planning. 

Consumer Law

We act with the objective of avoiding abuses by companies and suppliers to their consumers, who are often unaware of their rights. Our customer service is focused on providing balance in consumption activities, our team is specialists and has the experience to provide adequate guidance, whether on issues related to cases of misleading advertising, abusive practices, liability for addiction, due to the fact of the product or services or even for the consumer’s right to freedom of choice, without being coerced. With a broad consumer protection legislation, the violation of these rights should not be accepted, which is why our lawyers are fully capable of defending any violation of consumer rights.

– Indemnity;
– Defense of consumer interests;
– Homogeneous individual rights;
– Monitoring of Collective Actions;
– Joint liability between trader and manufacturer;
– Contract Termination Actions due to product defect;
– Extensive experience in consumer protection before PROCON; 
– Electronic consumer relations;
– Electronic contracts;
– Pre- and post-contractual analysis;
– Formation of the consumer contract via the Internet;
– Civil liability of suppliers in electronic contracts;
– Data confidentiality and consumer security;
– Overcharging;
– Improper registration.

Family Law

We work with excellence and experience to represent our client in family law, the most sensitive area in the Brazilian legal system. We understand that the accompaniment of the family lawyer needs to be constructive and with a more human perspective, with sensitivity and sincere concern for the well-being of the assisted family.
We offer our customers alternatives that will not always be through the courts, as litigation is not always the most appropriate solution. Therefore, we work with alternative means of conflict resolution.
We understand that it is essential to preserve family relationships and, therefore, we have experienced professionals, with the necessary skills and without losing the delicacy that Family Law requires. 

– Actions of separation of bodies;
– Dissolution of consensual stable union;
– Dissolution of the litigious stable union;
– Administrative separation;
– Consensual separation;
– Disputed separation;
– Administrative divorce;
– Consensual divorce;
– Litigious divorce;
– Direct consensual divorce;
– Disputed direct divorce;
– Action of annulment of marriage;
– Paternity investigation;
– Denial of paternity;
– Food Action; Award support to child
– Execution of food; Action for Support Order
– Support: Food review; Alimony, Child support;
– Exemption from food;
– Interim periodic support;
– Final period support;
– Parenting time Visits regulation action; Custody;
– Visitation right;
– Rotating custody;
– Search and seizure of minors and/or elderly people;
– Joint custody; Guard; Custody;
– Parental Alienation;
– Individual custody;
– Adoption;
– Enrolment of goods; Listing of goods;
– Kidnapping;
– Judicial and extrajudicial inventories;
– Inventory removal;
– Actions against the estate;
– Will annulment action;
– Share nullity action;
– Heirs’ qualification;
– Negative inventory;
– Oversharing;
– Release of values for the estate.

Labor Law

We act in the labor sphere fairly and quickly, with the objective of contributing to society to resolve conflicts in relations between employees and employers, prioritizing the decent exercise of work and preventing workers, as they are the weakest part of the relationship, have their labor and social rights violated. 
We offer special attention to our client in this area, as we understand that someone’s work has a nutritional character, which provides their physical and psychological good.
Therefore, our team of lawyers, in addition to being experienced, understand the social relevance of their role by following their client’s demands, ensuring the exercise of competent representation to guarantee their full rights.

– Conversion of a private contract into an employment relationship;
– Action for moral and material indemnity for work accident;
– Moral Harassment;
– Moral damages for losing a chance;
– Declaration of employment relationship for casual worker, self-employed, commercial representative, among others;
– Recognition of employment guarantee;
– Indirect termination;
– Consulting for companies;
– Reviews of employment contract in general.

Indemnity Law

Consumer relationships are essential for the success of any business or organization. However, when something doesn’t go as expected, you can count on ABDO’s lawyers to solve problems related to relationships involving the purchase of products or services. We have been working for consumer protection for over 30 years.

Tax law

ABDO law Firm aims to work in the tax area in order to improve and preserve the client’s business. Our tax consultancy is strategic and seeks efficiency, sharing knowledge with clients in order to enable innovative and individualized solutions. We have a team qualified to prepare theses for reducing the tax burden and recovering credits, as well as preparing legal opinions to assist with prevention, compliance and tax planning practices. Our personalized service is the ideal way to evaluate and offer solutions regarding income tax exemption for individuals who meet the legal requirements for the benefit. Our tax consultancy also supports administrative and legal proceedings in all spheres and instances involving federal, state and municipal taxes. 
If you are looking for legal advice on Tax Law, please contact our law firm. Since 1990, ABDO has had lawyers specializing in different areas of law, who personally monitor each case, putting client satisfaction first. Contact us by phone (51) 3582-9000 or by our WhatsApp (51) 99321-4781. We have the right professional to find the best solution!

International law

Abdo’s long history of success, always coupled with the necessary modernization and updating, has allowed it to expand beyond the regional and national territory. Today, we are a law firm of recognition that goes beyond the borders of Brazil, a member of the most prestigious associations around the world. Thus, we also offer legal advice on international issues, such as investments abroad, drafting and consulting contracts, legal assistance for visa applications, collections in foreign soil or international debts. 

Abdo is currently a member of LAW – Lawyers Associated Worldwide, which has offices in 55 countries.
Affiliated to the following institutions American Bar Association, with associations in Mercosur; American Chamber of Commerce for Brazil; American Collectors Association; Brazilian American Chamber of Commerce for Florida; Creditors International; World Jurist Association; eCSA – Credit Services Association.
In addition, Abdo Advogados has a partnership with Creditreform International, a company specialized in solutions for credit recovery.
Headquartered in Germany, Creditreform has offices in 23 European countries and a base in China, using an efficient collection system, ensuring a satisfactory result in reducing its clients’ default rates.

– Legal advice for investments abroad;
– International collections;
– Elaboration of contracts in the international scope;
– Immigration and regularization of foreigners;
– Consultancy in international trade;
– Business visa, work permit, residence, investor and dual citizenship;
– Preparation, discussion and evaluation of international contracts;
– Preparation of specific legal opinion, foreign investments and international biddings.

Trademarks and patents

Every type of creation resulting from the intellectual production of people – individuals or companies – can be registered. This prevents others from using the creations indiscriminately. Be it trademarks, patents, software, industrial designs or domain names: if you created and registered it, the production is yours. ABDO can assist you in this registration process, guaranteeing the creator/author of the work their full rights. We also act in defense of the rights of already registered trademarks and patents as well as royalties, avoiding losses if they have been misused.

Revisional de Juros

A facilidade de conseguir um financiamento aumentou muito ao longo dos últimos anos. Consequentemente, o número de financiamentos também cresceu. Alguns possuem altas taxas de juros, o que dificulta o pagamento das parcelas e a quitação da dívida. Uma ação revisional estabelece que você pode pedir a revisão dos contratos dos seus financiamentos. Esse tipo de procedimento é o ideal para identificar a existência de alguma cobrança exagerada no financiamento, como taxa de juros abusivos, por exemplo.
Com o auxílio dos nossos advogados você tem a possibilidade de negociar diretamente com as instituições financeiras, diminuindo os valores das prestações, quitando a dívida ou até mesmo sendo restituído de valores pagos a mais. 

– Empréstimos bancários;
– Financiamentos de automóveis;
– Carros
– Motos
– Caminhões
– Tratores
– Aviões
– Carretas
– Colheitadeiras
– Lanchas
– Barcos
– Financiamentos imobiliários;
– Cartões de crédito;
– Construcard;
– Defesa em buscas;
– Defesa em execuções/minitórias.

Direito Comercial

Os contratos comerciais podem ser bastante específicos e passíveis de ambiguidade para quem não possui afinidade com o processo. A Abdo é autoridade na consultoria, resolução e defesa judicial de negócios empresariais relacionados à propriedade e contratos empresariais das obrigações comerciais e na resolução de demandas administrativas e judiciais para empresas. 

Além disso, atuamos na elaboração, análise e revisão de contratos e obrigações comerciais, acordos societários, registro de marcas e patentes, pedidos de recuperação financeira e falência, fusões, dissoluções e cisões de empresas nacionais e internacionais, entre outros serviços.

– Contratos e obrigações comerciais;
– Propriedade industrial, marcas e patentes;
– Constituição, dissolução, cisão, fusão de empresas;
– Criação de holdings e grupos de empresas, joint venture, offshore;
– Comércio exterior;
– Consultoria em relação a contratos empresariais;
– Cobrança e assessoria pertinente a títulos de crédito;
– Pedidos de falência, créditos, recuperações;
– Assessoria tributária e trabalhista.

Business Law

ABDO has been in the market for 30 years and since the beginning we have acted quickly to meet the needs of the legal entity, always seeking the defense and best interest of the entrepreneur. The firm’s partners are highly qualified in several legal specialties and have the necessary expertise to deal with the resolution of your problem, whatever it may be.

Direito Tributário:

A Abdo Advogados tem como objetivo atuar na área tributária visando melhorar e preservar o negócio do cliente. Nossa consultoria tributária é estratégica e busca eficiência, compartilhando o conhecimento com os clientes a fim de possibilitar soluções inovadoras e individualizadas. Contamos com uma equipe qualificada na elaboração de teses para redução da carga tributária e na recuperação de créditos, bem como elaborando opiniões legais para auxiliar em práticas de prevenção, compliance e planejamentos tributários. Nosso atendimento personalizado é a forma ideal para avaliar e oferecer soluções referentes à isenção de imposto de renda para empresas que preencham os requisitos legais para o benefício. A nossa assessoria tributária também conta com o patrocínio de processos administrativos e judiciais em todas as esferas e instâncias envolvendo tributos federais, estaduais e municipais.

– Defesa em cobranças e execuções fiscais;
– Diminuição da carga tributária;
– Recuperação de crédito fiscal;
– Reengenharia tributária.

Corporate Labor Law

We provide fair resolution of disputes between employers and employees for corporate labor legal matters, in order to always obtain the best outcome for our client. 
Our team of lawyers is multidisciplinary and works in a personalized way in each case, adapting us to the reality of the legal entity and its needs.

Commercial law

Commercial contracts can be very specific and subject to ambiguity for those who do not have an affinity with the process. ABDO is the authority in the consultancy, resolution and judicial defense of business deals related to the property and business contracts of commercial obligations and in the resolution of administrative and judicial demands for companies.
In addition, we work in the preparation, analysis and review of commercial contracts and obligations, corporate agreements, registration of trademarks and patents, requests for financial recovery and bankruptcy, mergers, dissolutions and divisions of national and international companies, among other services. 

– Contracts and commercial obligations;
– Industrial property, trademarks and patents;
– Constitution, dissolution, division, merger of companies;
– Creation of holdings and groups of companies, joint venture, offshore;
– Foreign trade;
– Consultancy regarding business contracts;
– Collection and advice related to debt securities;
– Applications for bankruptcy, credits, recoveries;
– Tax and labor assistance.

Environmental Law

ABDO Law firm works in the advisory and litigation areas of projects that reach the level of the environment. We are specialists in administrative control and inspection procedures with official agencies linked to the environment at municipal, state and federal levels. In addition, we have extensive experience in defending legal proceedings and civil and criminal investigations. 

– Consulting and legal support for the development of environmental sustainability projects;
– Judicial and administrative litigation of defenses in assessments at the federal (Ibama), municipal and state levels (Fepam).

Direito Societário:

O Direito Societário envolve a área das sociedades empresariais e questões referentes aos sócios e acionistas de empresas. Como medida preventiva de futuros problemas na sua empresa, como cisões, fusões ou dissoluções, procure a Abdo para garantir a segurança, sobretudo em planejamento sucessório empresarial e dissoluções de sociedades com apuração de haveres e indenizações.

– Constituição;
– Dissolução, Cisão e Fusão;
– Planejamento.

Direito Bancário

Com as instituições financeiras cada vez mais buscando lucro, nosso objetivo é impedir que isso atinja nosso cliente de forma negativa. A Abdo Advogados é pioneira na área do Direito Bancário, tendo sido um dos primeiros escritórios com profissionais especialistas no assunto. Possuímos a equipe certa para solucionar as dificuldades financeiras enfrentadas pela sociedade em geral, atuando na busca do equilíbrio social, da igualdade e pelos direitos do nosso cliente frente aos grandes detentores do poder econômico. 

– Ações revisionais em contratos bancários;

– Defesa em ações de busca e apreensão;

– Defesas em ações de cobrança e execuções bancárias;

– Adequação da dívida conforme o Código de Defesa do Consumidor;

– Mediação de acordos favoráveis ao consumidor com instituições financeiras;

– Expurgo no FGTS em decorrência dos Planos Bresser, Verão e Collor;

– Expurgo nas cadernetas de poupança (1987, 1989, 1990 e 1991).